The marketing agency Sėkmingi, uniting creators and sales specialists, counts its fourth year of existence and continues to grow without stopping. Life converted to the virtual space prompted Lithuanian companies to pay attention to digital marketing, and for some of them, the question arose – to hire employees or to look for an agency? Sėkmingi shares why it’s worth choosing external marketing partners.
Jack-of-all-trades doesn’t exist
“I’ll do that Facebook myself.” A phrase that should be hidden as deeply as possible and run away from those who still believe in it. Having a personal Facebook profile doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to professionally manage the company’s official page, which may require the assistance of 5-6 professionals for high-quality execution and effective ad management. The same goes for all other marketing tools, each of which requires not only knowledge of the basic principles but also an interest in innovations.
A professional, experienced copywriter, graphic designer, social media, and Google Ads specialist in one – you can easily sense such a hidden thought in job postings where a company is looking for a marketing specialist. Such a person may appear and might be eager to fulfil all your expectations, but they won’t be able to delve properly into all areas.
Part-time work
If you’re not a representative of a large corporation, it’s likely that you won’t need an entire marketing department, so the first thought is to look for a single employee who would handle all the minor marketing tasks. There are situations when a hired marketing specialist doesn’t have enough tasks to work 160 hours per month. This becomes apparent when the same or similar marketing tasks have already been done before or when accumulated experience and knowledge reduce the time required to complete them. In smaller companies or businesses with a narrower focus, allocating 20 hours per month for marketing tasks may be sufficient.
Employee for one season
If your company provides services or sells products that generate annual revenue in a single season (for example, during the summer or Christmas period), hiring a temporary marketing specialist is not the best solution. At different times of the year, when workloads vary, maintaining employees on a fixed salary is impractical and costly, and good specialists are not willing to be hired for a short period.
A fresh perspective
If you’ve been producing the same product or offering the same service for decades, constantly coming up with new communication ideas becomes not a pleasant process but rather a burden. An external marketing team will look at your business from a different angle and offer fresh ideas. Internal marketing employees often face routine tasks or perform secondary duties, which push marketing into the background. Moreover, external marketing partners are focused on executing the planned strategy because they don’t want to disappoint expectations and lose the customer – you.